Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How to be a Social Butterfly

Successfully make small talk
Jodi Helmer

Let’s face it: Everybody hates making small talk with strangers. But unless you plan on never attending another wedding, cocktail party or office picnic, it’s a necessary evil. Angela Watrous, coauthor of Talk to Me: Conversation Tips for the Small-Talk Challenged, gives her top five tips to help you become a small-talk pro.

1. Chat up the supermarket cashier. (Or your waiter at dinner or a coworker at the coffee machine.) Taking advantage of situations where you can make small talk will help hone your skills.

2. Kill ’em with kindness. Looking for a surefire way to start a conversation? A little flattery never hurt. Complimenting someone on an unusual necklace or killer pumps is an easy way to break the ice.

3. Tread lightly. Be careful about bringing up current events as a means to start conversation. Topics like campaign finance and the war in Iraq might be too heavy-handed for cocktail hour.

4. Fly solo. According to Watrous, you’re much more likely to approach another person when you’re on your own, so resist the urge to spend the entire evening with your friend or spouse. Instead, think of that person as your home base and check in with each other periodically.

5. Have an exit strategy. Stuck in a conversation about stamp collecting? Keep it simple. Excuse yourself to refill your glass—most people will know you’re moving on.

Source: Woman's Day Magazine


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